To sum up, it's been a blog famine for me of late. =) So I actually haven't been reading blogs as well, let alone login to my own account and spend time posting.
However, I thought i should.
Intimacy - spending time with our Dad; chit-chatting; worshiping; listening; communing; loving; laughing; being transparent...whatever that word means to you.
How is our relationship with God going? Okay, let's put our tags as "leaders" aside for the moment. Let's not think about the amount of time we spend serving in church, practicing for worship services, or writing sermons. Let's forget about the number of people we're reaching out to.
Being a servant in the house and being a son of the House is a altogether different is it? (just learned about this at Inner Champ).
From out relationship with God, are we still entering His rest and Presence? Are we listening to what He has to show us? Does the thought of spending time with Him cause a spring to our step? See, I believe God wants us more than we can ever want Him. So much of the time we're like little brats who don't want to listen and think we know it all.
For those of us plagued by guilt, we NEED His Grace. Accept that we are not worthy (you prob don't have a prob with that), but also accept that His Grace is bigger than anything. The Cross is bigger than anything. Let's enter in everyday with that full assurance and confidence His Grace has given us. He's saying, "Come in and feast! Come in and hang out with me, the door is open! The curtain is torn; come, come! The entrance is free, it's been paid for!" See, we need to hold fast to that confidence and to be strong in the grace because the enemy will want to rob us of that. That will stop us building our relationship with God.
I constantly fight to keep my confidence in His grace. I'm not losing my relationship with God to the lies of the enemy anymore. Who's voice are we listening to?