Thursday, May 7, 2009

Trust - simple but difficult

God is SO faithful.  It's taken me awhile, but more and more as I get to know Him and allow Him to have my life and everything in it, the more convinced I am that He LOVES walking this life with me.  He is sooooo willing!

We have a million things in our life we can take control of, or we can let go of it all.  ALL.  It's funny though, i realize that i always overestimate my trust-0-meter.  I think i trust God with my life, but...maybe not. 

And when those times come when God gently challenges you to give ure life to Him again, i want to be able to do just that.  It's a time in my life when i'm living it so i thought i'd write it down.  And everytime we hand it over to Him, whether it's a job, a person, a seems we die and He increases a bit more. 

If ure struggling with trust issues, God loves you and has the best in mind.  Life's too complicated for figuring out sometimes.  Ask God for a sign/confirmation, fast..whatever.  So long as we get to that place of trust in Him, in His goodness. 


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