Friends..Ahh..That's definitely something good that starts with a "F"..besides food, fans, fish, filipines(haha)..anyway, I'm just so thankful to God for my friends..friends..=)
God's brought all types of ppl into my life during these 18 yrs..some have been forgotten(sorry guys!), some have come and go, but some have left footprints so deep it's easier to sing Negaraku backwards than to forget them..Sooo.. i thought i'd pay a tribute to the ppl i know..thanks for helping to make my life wat it is..i am thankful for everyone of u..close ppl u know who you r..
GRC guys and girls..U guys have probably influnced me the most in many ways.. they years we spent growing and playing together are unforgettable..although many things we did WERE stupid and mindless, i think they'll kinda be stuck in my head for a while yet..I thank and praise God for all He's done among us..i've learnt many things from you sum it up, i'd say God put us together for a reason and i'm sure you all know that..altho things are diffrent now, i pray that we'll run after that purpose God has for our lives..never give up or lose sight..u guys have been brothers and sisters...thanks so so much for everything..
God's brought all types of ppl into my life during these 18 yrs..some have been forgotten(sorry guys!), some have come and go, but some have left footprints so deep it's easier to sing Negaraku backwards than to forget them..Sooo.. i thought i'd pay a tribute to the ppl i know..thanks for helping to make my life wat it is..i am thankful for everyone of u..close ppl u know who you r..
GRC guys and girls..U guys have probably influnced me the most in many ways.. they years we spent growing and playing together are unforgettable..although many things we did WERE stupid and mindless, i think they'll kinda be stuck in my head for a while yet..I thank and praise God for all He's done among us..i've learnt many things from you sum it up, i'd say God put us together for a reason and i'm sure you all know that..altho things are diffrent now, i pray that we'll run after that purpose God has for our lives..never give up or lose sight..u guys have been brothers and sisters...thanks so so much for everything..
Next up are the peeps from G14..i thank God for this year..again learning so much with you all and from you see how some of u handle ureselves tho ure far from home is amazing for me...respect respect..thanks for the times we laughed and studied together..also for the times we've shared our stress together..whether u know it or not, u've made my transition from homeschool to college a smooth one..I thank God for knowing you all..keep it touch!
Last up! Church friends..College cell!..Seriously, i have no words to express what a joy its been to know you all...some i've known all my life..others i've not.. but both are equally impacting..God's brought us together by His grace and love..hanging and serving with u guys, i've learnt to love, forgive, understand, care and live out for God.. we've been through so much in youth group, camps and cell...of all my friends, u are the ones that are hardest to leave behind..u've touched my life in so many ways..seeing how some of u live ure lives truly challenges me to be a better person for God..I pray from the deepest parts of my heart out of gratitude and thankfulness that we'll keep running after Him in all things..rmbr wat eden's mom said?..well, if that's what God has planned for us, i pray no one.. no one will be left out..u ppl have been a blessing in so so so many ways i really really dont know where to start..know the term "words cannot express?"..yeap. Its truly awesome how God has guided us these few years..from strength to strength, from glory to glory..i just wanna say that you guys are amazing, amazing ppl..there's Jesus inside of you and its just so different..i look back on the years we've spent trying to do and be our best in MJYF and am truly blown away as to how God has ended our chapter there all together..will love and rmbr you all a-l-w-a-y-s.
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