Just came back from a friend's Birthday. Happy 19th Bernie! It was a pot luck, me and Jia Ren (ma housemate) did our part of course. Wicked Wings to the rescue!
Been studying a lecture and a half of Developmental Psych. Can't take those theories any longer!! Well, guess longevity isn't their issue anyway. They've been around for ages. Had Urban Life today. 8 people came along and we had lunch at Universal Pizza ( pizza place down Lygon St). Then we headed over to the park for the quickest UL ever! Well, I shared about honoring God throughout this exam periods, as in to still give Him absolutely number one priority. I thought it was well received. Believing the Holy Spirit spoke to each individual appropriately, =).
Just really got me thinking - our relationship with God. I was using the illustration of parent and child during the message. Let's just be the parent for a minute....Imagine our child being to occupied with life to drop a "hey, dad how are you?" or "You wanna go hang out somewhere?" I mean, being too busy to hang out? That's just not cool. I'm so guilty of that at times. Show of hands if u can relate to this..
Just a thought (and I remember talking to a friend about this before), isn't it crazy how He created the institution of a family to help us to be in His shoes? I mean, to feel like a Father is to feel like Him. Love between husband and wife reveals that passion, that selflessness, that honesty.
If only we could understand how it feels, if only we could put ourselves into His shoes more often. It would help us understand a lot more of His heartbeat wouldn't it? It would probably make a lot of things easier too. Just a thought.
Blogging is worth it (trying to feed myself some positive reinforcement). =).
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