Wednesday, June 4, 2008

This Blogging Thing

Well, what started me blogging again? Is it a source of procrastination (Ben, u must like this one)? Is this my journal? Is it an outlet for me to vent out my frustrations? Will I be a different person on "Life As It Is."?

Think what really revved me up again was really the inspiration i got from other blogs. Really good ones (Check my frequent visits out). As my good friend JonathanC said, "You see the impact
it brings leh?" =). Yea, i think i do.

So, I'm not going to be the type of person that reveals his inside for the world to read. I want to be as real, I want to be as honest as I can. My insides are for God, family and friends. I've had a friend say she didn't like talking to ppl on MSN because they could be thinking and typing things that are the total opposite.

Okay, neither do I want this blog to be about me, myself and James. Let's put it this way. I
don't want to feel pressured to blog (like today) everyday, cuz that's not inspiration, but obligation. Hopefully, things that I go through in my life that I think are encouraging and helpful can help you. Hopefully, this can inspire you that bit more.

If not, I hope it's a good read anyway, =). Plus, blogging should be relaxed.


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