Monday, June 9, 2008

The Author

A bud of mine told me recently that he was praying this prayer, or a prayer along these lines, "God, You're the Author of my life. God, You're the Author of my Love life." (you know who you are, thanks.)

He is the author of our love life. Yes, and by that i mean relationships. =).

God has the world in His hands. Being our Father, He knows how you and me feel. For those of us struggling with singlehood or with a decision, He is really the best Advisor/Counsellor. See, this is what happens. The minute we start to making drastic decisions based on emotions (and who hasn't been guilty of that!), things start to get messy. And I understand that everyone makes mistakes and everyone can learn from them.

But i guess what I'm really getting at is not that. It's the fact that we actually trust in our Father to know that He is control of the area of relationships too. He can see what we cannot see and He has the utmost best-est best plan in store for us. That's my Dad, that's the God that the Bible tells me. Don't know about you, but I think emotions can really muck us up if they're not seen in the proper light. So when it seems that there's a switched on blender going nuts inside our head and heart, it is times like these that we really need to get our eyes of our situation and onto Him, the Author of our love life (Okay, this is getting a bit too sappy even for me). Times like these, we need to trust and believe that ALL things work our for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose! We need to KNOW and BELIEVE and WALK in that belief. We have to, because He has got to be real even in these situations! In fact, I would say times like these would really test how much we actually take God's Words as the truth.

Let Him write the story, let Him put the pieces together, trust Him enough to do it. At the end, we'll have stories that is not just about us, but really about a faithful God who never ever fails. Let Him write the story, I'm sure He has the better endings. ;)

On that note here is something fun/informative for the single dudes by Perry Noble. And this is for the single ladies.


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