Monday, June 30, 2008

Livin' A Dream

Was talking with one of my good friends today about dreams. Not the ones that happen during the night, but the ones that are carved in our hearts. I'm talking about the ones that give us an adrenaline rush, the ones that make us feel alive, the ones that sometimes seem only, at best, achievable in our imaginations.

We were talking about vision. We were talking about possibility.

I grew up loving soccer. Loved playing it, loved talking about it, loved watching it...etc. Like most young M'sian boys, I dreamed of being the best soccer player ever. I dreamed of dazzling the world with my skills, I dreamed of giving spectators the same rush my footballing heroes gave me. You could call that wishful thinking - but that was my dream. And it was valid too - who said I couldn't dream like that.

A lot of our dreams get crushed by "reality". We're taught to be more practical and pick better dreams - like being an accountant (nothing against them, just using an example). I being the best footballer in the world for being an accountant? For those of us who have become the accountant, is there possibility for more? What happened to those dreams?

Different people have different dreams. Growing up, I realized that there's far more important things than soccer (at least a few! xD). I dream of making a difference, i dream of making a change, i dream of God's kingdom being established and brought down to earth. It's not shallow, it doesn't simply mean i want everyone to be Christians. God's kingdom means that there is freedom, overcoming, healing, blessing, provision, love..etc. My flesh tells me to forget about it and to get a uni degree and live and ordinary lifestyle. But something that God has placed in each of us tells me that there is more, and as we tap into the Creator there is so much more! He gives the dreams, He gives the vision! How it is concretely going to happen is none of my business just yet, but i need to allow my imagination to run wild first! If my imagination is limited, what can be done will be limited.

Let's start using word's like "if only..", "just imagine..", "what if..", "why not.." more. Let's not let our dreams die off, they are not ridiculous - most of them are valid. So many corporations, movements, NGO's & ideologies were birthed out or dreamers. God has called us to live an extraordinary life with Him! That itself sounds like a sweet dream to me!


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