Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here comes the Bride

Think I've been MIA for a few days. Studies are all i'm thinkin about at the moment. It's bummer i know. But it'll be over soon and I can't wait! There's no rainbow without the storm right?

This blog post by Perry Noble..
Just amazing! Read it. It's for all us self-pitying/complaining/moaning/groaning ppl. THERE"S A BIGGER PICTURE! Time to size up!


1 comment:

Bernie Tan said...

James!!! That is so good!!! hehehehehe I want to be someone that focuses on the bride =p

I am now like your regular blog reader!

It is so good!!! =)

Such a great reminder =)

All the best for exams =)

You can do it!!!

Bro, if you want,you can tell me when your next exam will be, and i can pray for you on the time as well...(hopefully i don't forget hehe)
